Category: Artwork & Creative

Illustrations, paintings and other artistic endeavours involving werewolves.

New “Ginger Snaps” DVD / Blu-ray artwork from Scream Factory

Scream Factory is on a werewolf blitz. The new art for their upcoming re-release of Ginger Snaps showed up on Facebook this week. I think it’s the best cover yet for the classic Canadian werewolf movie, and if at first you feel that it doesn’t quite have the epic vibe of last week’s Dog Soldiers cover, remember that Ginger Snaps has way fewer guns and way more teen angst than Dog Soldiers. (more…)

Don’t let Reagan or The Mummy win! Pre-order “The Werewolf of NYC” issue 2

After the success of the first issue, beautiful scratchboard nightmare The Werewolf of NYC is back for a second round on Featuring art & story by Edwin Vazquez, The Werewolf of NYC chronicles the downwards spiral of a troubled (wolf)man in 1980’s-era New York City. (more…)

Scream Factory’s new art for “Dog Soldiers”

If you weren’t already excited about Scream Factory’s upcoming re-release of Dog Soldiers, get ready to have your wrong feelings corrected. If you were already excited, prepare to get hyped to the next level. The Criterion of horror just Facebook-posted the new art for their edition of the 2002 werewolf classic, and it’s exquisite. (more…)

The mysterious female “Wolf of Butler Street” sculpture of Gowanus

Photo: Scott Fitzgerald

Photo: Scott Fitzgerald

As reported by DNAinfo and several area blogs, Around 8:30 PM on Sunday, January the 12th, three men used a forklift to install a modern-day Capitoline Wolf in front of an old ASPCA building on Butler Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn. (more…)

WOLFEN JUMP In Print fundraiser!

Last year, a group of twenty-four artists contributed weird, heartwarming, terrible, scary comics to an anthology with an “extremely nebulous” theme of “wolf”. The result was WOLFEN JUMP, which I got very excited about during its inception phase. Now volume one is complete, and you can read the entire thing online for free.

But what if you want to read these comics somewhere other than Tumblr’s hyperactive nightmare zone? (more…)

Weekly Werewolf Art: “Complete Werewolf Transformation” by David Wuertemburg

Complete Werewolf Transformation Sketch

This werewolf illustrated by David Wuertemburg exemplifies the longstanding tradition of werewolves with great hair, a tradition first embodied by Michael Landon and later popularized in song form by Warren Zevon. What grabs me in this picture – aside from Dave’s technical proficiency – is the exquisite dichotomy of a such a well-groomed beast also being a bloodthirsty ruiner of camping trips and dates at Makeout Point. He may have access to salon-exclusive styling products, but this is a classic werewolf primed to fuck shit up. I love the blunt muzzle, the baleful sunken eyes, and those enormous teeth. If this was a book cover, I’d buy it in an instant.

You can see more of Dave’s art, much of which is horror- and werewolf-related, in his deviantART gallery.

Werewolf Wednesday Digest for November Week 4

It’s Werewolf Wednesday, which means there’s plenty of lycanthropic stuff happening on Twitter and Tumblr. Here are some of the highlights that caught my eye.

  • If you want some excellent werewolf art based on smart, plausible biology, check out Viergacht’s Northern & Southern hemisphere werewolf variations, based on the creatures who inhabit the world of his writing.
  • @UlfKrahe gave a shout-out to a classic werewolf book that I highly recommend: the “Werewolves” anthology, edited by Martin H. Greenberg. It was one of the first werewolf books I ever bought – it was 1995 and I had to ask my mom for an advance on my allowance.
  • The latest WolfCop production video showcases the film’s art design team, the lengths they went to to capture that 70’s/80’s horror movie vibe, and a truly amazing “Lost Cat” poster.
  • From Dread Central comes a press release about a new werewolf movie from Ruthless Pictures. Werewolf Rises “tells the tale of Emma, a country girl who left for the big city, only to return years later with big problems” and starts filming next month.
  • Artist Erika Deoudes’s gallery of sexy monsters showcases 12 classic movie monsters (including the Predator, Zuul, and yes, a werewolf) and is available as one-off prints or as a 2014 calendar. The series kicks off with JANUWEREWOLF, whose strategically-placed champagne bottle is both highly provocative and only technically SFW.
  • Amanda Elbeck’s comic about what would happen if most werewolf fans actually became werewolves is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.

It’s only 3:30 PM as I post this, so for more Werewolf Wednesday juice, check your local Twitter and Tumblr listings!

Weekly Werewolf Art: “Ghostbusters Werewolf” by Nick Bondra

Phraggle - Ghostbusters Werewolf

Drawn by Nick Bondra, submitted by Tandye, based on a classic action figure and and in commemoration of one of the first werewolves I ever encountered as a child, it’s the Werewolf from the 80’s The Real Ghostbusters cartoon! This piece is stoking to the brink with nostalgia and classic werewolf excellence, and it’s accomplished with appropriately vibrant physical media (cut to a pile of Copic markers wearing sweet 80’s shades). To the best of my knowledge, werewolves only had a major role in a single TRG episode, No One Comes to Lupusville, and they spent most of it locked in various basements. When they bust out, though, they undertake the finest work a werewolf can do: smashing the shit out of some oppressive vampires. Nick’s piece, which captures one of Lupusville’s residents between vampire snacks, exemplifies the goofball horror energy that shaped my love of werewolves from an early age. For more of Nick’s art, check out his FurAffinity and deviantART galleries.

Weekly Werewolf Art: “Out Comes the Wolf” by Mary Doodles

This week’s feature is a video of artist / vlogger / all-around nice person Mary Doodles painting a man caught in the eye of the full moon. She is seriously going nuts with those watercolours, which freaks me out because the last time I tried anything with watercolours a man drowned. Mary’s got it under control, though, even when she’s literally just dumping colour into a puddle of water.

She dedicates the storybook-macabre results to “that very special lycanthropic person in my life”, which is sentiment I can appreciate, given that I’m married to an artist who indulges my lycanthropic side as well. You can see more of Mary’s work on her YouTube channel or her web site.

Weekly Werewolf Art: “Baroness of the Wolf” by Hinchel Or

Baroness of the Wolf - by Gido

“Oh shit, and I just shaved this morning…”

probably my last portfolio piece for the year… (probably)

tried out a different kind of lighting here… because having one light source was so five minutes ago.

This piece by Hinchel Or showed up on my Tumblr dashboard yesterday, via Do You Speak Werewolf? (which you should absolutely be following), and my first thought (after “!!!WOW!!!”) was “this Baroness has a problem, and I think it’s about to become an even bigger problem for the other people on the estate”. Let me tell you what I like about this picture. Aside from the technical excellence in the perspective and lighting, there are two things, mainly.

  1. There is an elegant lady.
  2. She is turning into a werewolf.
  3. (bonus round:) tea.

I really hope Hinchel makes this available as a print! If you’d like to do a little compare ‘n’ contrast, you can also see the pencils for this art here.

You can see more of Hinchel’s work on his Tumblr and deviantART sites, both of which are well-stocked with lushly-lit madness and super charming doodles.