It’s Werewolf Wednesday, which means there’s plenty of lycanthropic stuff happening on Twitter and Tumblr. Here are some of the highlights that caught my eye.
- If you want some excellent werewolf art based on smart, plausible biology, check out Viergacht’s Northern & Southern hemisphere werewolf variations, based on the creatures who inhabit the world of his writing.
- @UlfKrahe gave a shout-out to a classic werewolf book that I highly recommend: the “Werewolves” anthology, edited by Martin H. Greenberg. It was one of the first werewolf books I ever bought – it was 1995 and I had to ask my mom for an advance on my allowance.
- The latest WolfCop production video showcases the film’s art design team, the lengths they went to to capture that 70’s/80’s horror movie vibe, and a truly amazing “Lost Cat” poster.
- From Dread Central comes a press release about a new werewolf movie from Ruthless Pictures. Werewolf Rises “tells the tale of Emma, a country girl who left for the big city, only to return years later with big problems” and starts filming next month.
- Artist Erika Deoudes’s gallery of sexy monsters showcases 12 classic movie monsters (including the Predator, Zuul, and yes, a werewolf) and is available as one-off prints or as a 2014 calendar. The series kicks off with JANUWEREWOLF, whose strategically-placed champagne bottle is both highly provocative and only technically SFW.
- Amanda Elbeck’s comic about what would happen if most werewolf fans actually became werewolves is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.
It’s only 3:30 PM as I post this, so for more Werewolf Wednesday juice, check your local Twitter and Tumblr listings!