Howl Con 2015 was like a neutron star made out of werewolf atoms. Bright and packed with energy, its small size belied its incredible density. A measurement taken at 12:32PM on Sunday indicated a density of 3.8 LPI (Lycanthropes per square inch). But unlike a stable neutron star, Howl Con is primed to go supernova. (more…)
Category: Pop Culture
Trendy werewolf stuff for trendy werewolf people.
Howl Con Schedule & appearances

Howl Con is this weekend, and the schedule of events has just been posted! There’s lots going on for werewolf fans in Vancouver this Saturday and Sunday. I’m excited and nervous, because my name is on that schedule a few times. (more…)
Grimm’s Monroe & Rosalee “Time and Thyme” shirt design

Manny Aguilera is back with another pop culture inspired t-shirt illustration, this one based on NBC series Grimm. It features everyone’s favourite Blutbat and Fuchsbau couple, Monroe and Rosalee, and it’s available at a discount until Saturday morning. (more…)
A werewolf can’t get a second date in “Mike Tyson Mysteries”

Did you know that you can watch Mike Tyson solve mysteries and punch monsters in an Adult Swim series animated in the style of Hanna-Barbera classics like Scooby Doo? Well, thanks to a kind and benevolent universe, you can, and the latest episode is about a werewolf, leopard print boots, and pie. (more…)
The Argentine President Jewish Werewolf Adoption Mixup

News that the President of Argentina adopted a young Jewish man in order to prevent his becoming a werewolf exploded online last week, getting coverage on dozens of news sites despite being a conflation of unrelated tradition and myth. Mixup or not, the story has already given me reason to write what I bet will be the weirdest Werewolf News headline of 2015. (more…)
Great Scott (Howard)! Teen Wolf / Back to the Future mashup t-shirt

Artist and friend of the site Manny Aguilera has combined two of Michael J. Fox’s classic 80’s film characters into one totally rad t-shirt design. “Scott and Marty” features Back to the Future’s Marty McFly rocking a hoverboard, and the actual Teen Wolf surfing a van. Marty’s throwing a salute but you just know a high-five is imminent. Please continue reading this post with the 80’s rock summer jam of your choice playing in the background. (more…)
The WOX’s “Werewolves of Christmas” supports The Prince’s Trust charity

I’d be lying if I said I understood what’s happening in this music video for “Werewolves of Christmas” by mysterious band The WOX. Werewolves? Christmas? Pool? Ludicrous dancing? Point Break references? And all this madness is for the benefit of The Prince’s Trust, a UK charity that helps “13 to 30 years old who are unemployed and those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion”. (more…)
Gunman in werewolf mask shoots, injures construction worker

Once a year some weird mania strikes a random crook in America, and they decide to commit a crime while wearing a werewolf mask. The latest incident in this unfortunate trend happened last Friday in southern California. (more…)
HOWL CON 2015 is happening and I’ll be there

October 2012’s HOWL CON was the only successful werewolf fan convention in North America (“successful” defined as “it actually happened and people had fun”), and after taking some time off, it’s back on and better than ever. (more…)