Once a year some weird mania strikes a random crook in America, and they decide to commit a crime while wearing a werewolf mask. The latest incident in this unfortunate trend happened last Friday in southern California. An unidentified gunman in a werewolf mask walked into the back of an under-renovation check-cashing business in Chino and shot a man in the head. CNN, KTLA 5 and a variety of other news outlets report the victim as a 58-year old construction worker, who was treated for his injury and released from hospital with a prognosis of “you’re gonna live and you have a crazy story to tell your grandkids”.
No motive was given for the shooting, and despite a widespread manhunt, the silent gunman remains at large. One can only hope that Toby Barlow’s Sharp Teeth werewolves track the guy down and apply their own brand of justice to the psychotic imposter.