Christopher Herndon’s “Werewolves Playing Poker” is a great horror riff on Cassius Marcellus Coolidge’s famous “Waterloo” painting. Herndon’s replaced Coolidge’s card-slinging, cigar-selling dogs with a group of werewolves who’ve decided to play poker instead of murdering everyone. (more…)
Category: Artwork & Creative
Illustrations, paintings and other artistic endeavours involving werewolves.
If Mulder really was a werewolf on The X-Files, this is totally how he’d react

A few days ago I saw this four-panel comic exploring what would happen if The X-Files really did turn Mulder into a werewolf. It keeps popping into my head to make me do Seth Rogen style chuckles, so I’m exorcising it by posting it. (more…)
Tom Whalen’s “Pulp Menagerie” show at Mondo Gallery puts the Werewolf at the top of the pile

Two of my favourite names in art are teaming up for an event! Starting May 22nd, Tom Whalen is hosting a solo show called “Pulp Menagerie” at Mondo Gallery in Austin, TX. Among the featured prints is a gorgeous tribute to Rankin/Bass’s classic movie Mad Monster Party?, featuring The Werewolf at the top of a monstrous dog-pile.
Q&A with John Keogh, illustrator of The Mountain Goats’ “Werewolf Gimmick” tour poster

Out today: “Beat The Champ“, the new wrasslin’-themed record from The Mountain Goats. You should go buy it on Amazon or iTunes (or at least give it a listen) and then check out this deadly gorgeous tour poster drawn by John Keogh and inspired by the song “Werewolf Gimmick”. (more…)
Hipster werewolves party on Brazilian Brucuta Beer label

This raucous beer label by São Paulo’s Elefante Project Design popped up on The Dieline last week. My Portuguese is rusty (actually non-existent) but my Brazilian friend has authorized me to pronounce this label muito legal. (more…)
Grimm’s Monroe & Rosalee “Time and Thyme” shirt design

Manny Aguilera is back with another pop culture inspired t-shirt illustration, this one based on NBC series Grimm. It features everyone’s favourite Blutbat and Fuchsbau couple, Monroe and Rosalee, and it’s available at a discount until Saturday morning. (more…)
Mythical Creatures Butcher Shop presents: how to cook a werewolf

If you resolved to eat better in 2015 and you don’t mind a little hair in your food, consider this recipe for Greek Style Leg of Werewolf courtesy of Mythical Creatures Butcher Shop. This dish is high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and is nutritious for everyone except the werewolf. If you’re not quite sure where to hack into that werewolf corpse in your freezer for the best cut of meat, don’t worry – the recipe comes with a handy chart. (more…)
Great Scott (Howard)! Teen Wolf / Back to the Future mashup t-shirt

Artist and friend of the site Manny Aguilera has combined two of Michael J. Fox’s classic 80’s film characters into one totally rad t-shirt design. “Scott and Marty” features Back to the Future’s Marty McFly rocking a hoverboard, and the actual Teen Wolf surfing a van. Marty’s throwing a salute but you just know a high-five is imminent. Please continue reading this post with the 80’s rock summer jam of your choice playing in the background. (more…)
Werewolves on Sketch Dailies

Five days a week, the @Sketch_Dailies Twitter account posts a theme word, and artists from all over the world draw something inspired by that word in the hopes that their work will be shown in the curated Sketch Dailies gallery. On October 28th the theme word was werewolf, and art for it was still coming in as late as this Wednesday! (more…)
Lycans vs. Dracula & an Australian Penny Arcade werewolf

Here are two bits of fluff for a post-full-moon-hangover Friday afternoon.
The Easterner, which is the “independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University”, has posted an opinion piece that attempts to pinpoint which creatures is more efficient at killing: the vampire, or the werewolf. Opinion Editor Larry Ty Holmes decides to compare the most extreme examples of each monster: Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and the Underworld lycans. It’s a short piece that runs out of gas before reaching a solid conclusion, and I get the feeling it was started before Halloween and only just published Thursday to get it out of the “drafts” folder, but I enjoyed the accompanying artwork by EWU senior Lauren Campbell.
PAX Australia 2014 just ended, and as is their wont, the Penny Arcade guys documented the week with a few recent comics. This time it involves exposing Sydney to the full Halloween experience via a monster-spewing portal. The episode concludes with a werewolf who has to confront the imperturbability of a populace used to living in a country positively brimming with poisonous creatures. I always like seeing Mike draw werewolves, and I can confirm from firsthand experience that Aussies are the most hardcore people on the planet.