Lycans vs. Dracula & an Australian Penny Arcade werewolf

Here are two bits of fluff for a post-full-moon-hangover Friday afternoon.

Werewolves vs Vampires by Lauren CampbellThe Easterner, which is the “independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University”, has posted an opinion piece that attempts to pinpoint which creatures is more efficient at killing: the vampire, or the werewolf. Opinion Editor Larry Ty Holmes decides to compare the most extreme examples of each monster: Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and the Underworld lycans. It’s a short piece that runs out of gas before reaching a solid conclusion, and I get the feeling it was started before Halloween and only just published Thursday to get it out of the “drafts” folder, but I enjoyed the accompanying artwork by EWU senior Lauren Campbell.

Underworld, Part ThreePAX Australia 2014 just ended, and as is their wont, the Penny Arcade guys documented the week with a few recent comics. This time it involves exposing Sydney to the full Halloween experience via a monster-spewing portal. The episode concludes with a werewolf who has to confront the imperturbability of a populace used to living in a country positively brimming with poisonous creatures. I always like seeing Mike draw werewolves, and I can confirm from firsthand experience that Aussies are the most hardcore people on the planet.