Category: Gaming & Collectibles

Stuff to fill your shelves and entertainment unit with.

Cook like a Garou with the “Werewolf: The Apocalypse” Cookbook

Remember the Deluxe “Werewolf the Apocalypse” 20th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter from 2012? The one that made me all nostalgic and which annihilated its goal? One of its stretch goals was an official Werewolf: The Apocalypse Cookbook written by Stew Wilson. (more…)

Trailer for the baffling, delightful iOS game “The Executive”

It’s Monday. You’re at work, dealing with reptiles or float homes or glitchy compilers or whatever keeps you busy all day. Maybe you have a coffee. Externally, you’re at peace. But internally: turmoil! Your soul is crying out. You are experiencing a profound lack. A cold wind is coursing through the places in your bones where marrow used to be. (more…)

Werewolf Wednesday Digest for December Week 1

Another Werewolf Wednesday is upon us! Here are some bones to gnaw on:

  • Bill Oberst, Jr. has joined the cast of Werewolf Rises. You might recognize Bill from the The Beast, which is an awesome werewolf short, or Take This Lollipop, the Facebook app / short film that galvanized my office for two hours in 2011. Bill’s the best, and his involvement in the film can only mean good things.
  • The third season of the American adaptation of Being Human comes out on Blu-ray in January, and it’s available for pre-order now. I haven’t seen it and don’t imagine I’ll have time in the near future, but if you’re a fan, get it.
  • The long-awaited game Sang-Froid – Tales of Werewolves has a playable demo now via Steam, but only for Windows, so I guess I have to drag my Alienware out of the Shame Corner. Tower defence involving lumberjacks and werewolves in a snowy Quebec landscape is worth it.
  • In other news about Windows-only gaming that I’m totally not bitter about, Blood of the Werewolf could use your vote in the IndieDB Indie Of The Year competition. No sign-in is required to vote, so go do it, even if you’re waiting for a console port like me, because boy, that game looks TUFF.
  • Horror artist Bryan Baugh dug deep into the archives and posted a Wulf and Batsy comic from 2004 on his deviantART page. “Them’s Monsters” looks and reads like it’s straight out of Tales from the Crypt, and features a vampire who instantly made it onto my list of vampires I grudgingly acknowledge as cool. Thanks to Wolf Montana for sharing!
  • If you’re in the Vancouver / Whistler area, there’s an official WolfCop event happening at The Longhorn Saloon in Whistler this Friday evening. The WolfCop Drink ‘N Shoot is the place to be if you want to watch the new WolfCop teaser trailer (freshly cut from the shoot in Saskatchewan), and meet director Lowell Dean and special FX monster-master Emersen Ziffle. I can’t go because of reasons, but if you’re in the area, check it out!
  • If you’re craving more werewolf sites to follow, here are two more to add to your bookmarks: Lángrén’s Monsters & Werewolves, and PDX Werewolf‘s eponymous site. I like these guys and I like their sites. I bet you will too.

That’s it for this week, but the day’s not over, keep an eye on Twitter and Tumblr for more #WerewolfWednesday stuff.

Coin Club Australia’s epic silver werewolf coin

werewolf-proof-coin-reverseAustralia, everything I hear about you further validates my theory that you are the Most Hardcore Country, and now I find out you’re making werewolf money.

As part of their Mythical Creatures series, Coin Club Australia has released a limited edition coin featuring that most financially solvent of Mythical Creatures, the werewolf. The coin was commissioned from The Perth Mint and contains 1oz of 99.9% pure silver (what else?) in proof quality (that’s a good thing, I looked it up). It has a monetary denomination of one Australian dollar, but it’s only legal tender in Tuvalu, and regardless of its value or its cost, only a drongo would try to spend a coin like this.

The Coin Club web site has a delightfully thorough description of the coin’s art, which displays Queen Elizabeth II on the front, and on the reverse, a “werewolf fiercely prowling in a dense forest beneath a full moon. A medieval banner displays a silhouette of a werewolf and the $1 monetary denomination, with the inscription ‘werewolf’ also featured on a stylised scroll.”

Whoah. I was listening to this while I read that description, and the combination was pretty intense in an “awesome airbrushed van” sort of way. On second thought, perhaps a coin this epic could be spent on food items to enhance your Punch and Kick abilities.

The Werewolf coin has a limited mintage of 5,000, costs $90.86 AUD, and one dollar of each purchase is donated to UNICEF-Australia. It’s housed in a “contemporary brown” presentation case and custom-designed shipper, and is accompanied by a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Many thanks to Werewolf News reader John for sharing!

werewolf-proof-coin-case werewolf-coin-shipper

“Clash Of The Damned” for Android & iOS

A “free online RPG fighting saga about the never-ending battle between Vampires and Werewolves!” You know it’s serious because they capitalized “vampires” and “werewolves”. Available for iOS devices in the App Store, and for Android via Google Play. Check out its Facebook page for more info.

IGN’s Killer Instinct “Sabrewulf” profile video might sell me an Xbox One

IGN’s Destin Legarie hangs out with Dave Verfaillie (Design Director at Double Helix) and a mystery man identified only as “Rich” as the latter two show off Sabrewulf from the new Killer Instinct game, available exclusively on the Xbox One. This video is from July, but I didn’t see it until this past #WerewolfWednesday, courtesy of @hamstertoybox. The game (and the system it’s playable on) launch today, with Sabrewulf as one of the six initial  characters, and holy shit does this tweaked-out medical experiment of a werewolf look good. And by “good” I mean “rabid killing machine”.

Throughout the 12-minute video, Dave explains Sabrewulf’s combat style and unique attributes (quickest dash in the game!) and discusses the design decisions behind his appearance and his stage, The Alchemical Lab. Despite Sabrewulf’s efforts to regain his humanity – enhancements like bionic arms are gone, replaced by bandages and other vestiges of medical equipment – they played up the “animal within” angle, which is obvious from the ragged panting, shuddering twitches and sprays of drool that make up much of his animation.

I’m going to level with you. I never played the original KI in the arcade or on the SNES, and I’m still more likely to get a Wii U than an Xbone or a P Ess Four, but there’s something about the gameplay, animation and sound design in this video that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Did you get an Xbox One and this game today, and if so, what’s your opinion? Should I take my credit card over to Amazon and buy myself an early Christmas gift?

The playable werewolves of “The Elder Scrolls Online” look nasty in a good way


If you liked stalking the hills of Skyrim as a werewolf, I’ve got some good news: Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax Online Studios are working on the next Elder Scrolls game, and the playable werewolves are even more elaborate than Skyrim’s lycanthropes. The Elder Scrolls Online is a MMORPG set in the continent of Tamriel, a millennium before the events of Skyrim. The game is currently in closed beta, but in the months leading up to the game’s release, Bethesda is sharing a lot of material about the game’s planning and development, and one of the latest news posts gives us “a peek at the creation of the player version of the werewolf”.


The werewolf’s model and combat animations need to convey a sense of unrestrained savagery. Werewolves use their incredible strength to leap through the air towards their unfortunate targets; they devour them with fervor. They often hunt in packs, destroying everything they can hunt down. We used references like video of hyenas gorging on a zebra to get the feel just right, adding touches like bloodstains on the muzzle after a good feast.

I’m not the biggest fan of digitigrade legs or oversized tails, but overall I really like the character design! He looks nasty in all the ways a werewolf ought to be nasty.


For more details, including the effort that went into making the werewolves’ sound design appropriately bestial, check out the news post on the game’s official site. The Elder Scrolls Online comes out in Spring 2014, and will be available for Windows, OS X, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.


Four werewolf projects fight for your crowdsourced dollars

I was away, and now that I’m back I’m finding all these Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects in my inbox, some of which were sent to me weeks ago! In the interest of getting these in front of you as soon as possible, I’m going to forego the in-depth analysis and gang them up here. I think all four of these are great, and they deserve your consideration! Click on a project’s title to visit its page.

End Of The Road

“The 28 Days Later of werewolf movies”. I like where these guys are coming from, and I certainly agree with their premise: werewolf movies traditionally suck. If this pitch video doesn’t win you over, the credits at the end will.

Fright Fight: Online Multiplayer Fighting for Mobile

“…a ‘Smash Bros’ style online multiplayer brawler featuring horror, steampunk, RPG elements… and zombies!” Play as one of four brawlin’ monsters, including a werewolf. I’m not normally down with the iPad controls, but I’d play the heck out of this.

Freeborn: Guts full of awesomeness

“Having a pilot is great, but we want to sell this to cable as a true series. To do that, we need flash in our sales package. Having the makeup and effects in a werewolf show is essential, but it also costs. A lot!” Help them cover their costs and get exclusive access to footage of a full-on werewolf transformation. These folks have been working on Freeborn for a long time and every time I check in, it looks better than ever.

Little Red

“…a comic book series about a werewolf fighting other legendary phenomenon monsters…” I like a mean Red Riding Hood, especially when she’s an unstoppable killing machine.

Best of luck to everyone involved!

Say “yes” to Scientifically Proven werewolf blood

I’ve mentioned the game Blood of the Werewolf before, but it’s not out yet, and like any good Internet denizen, I tend to talk about things I want until I have them. Further whetting my appetite for the promise of this punishingly difficult side-scroller is the enthusiasm of the game’s progenitor, Nathaniel ‘Than’ McClure. I’m gonna quote from an email he sent me late last week:

Last year I started on a dream project that our studio owns outright, Blood of the Werewolf. Blood of the Werewolf is my love letter to the games that we grew up playing. It doesn’t have the most features and it has little to no marketing budget. What is does have is heart. The game shines propped on its key design pillars of challenge and mastery.

I have a lot of love for people who put their hearts and souls into the things they make, especially when the thing they’re making is right up my alley, so I want to help Than get BotW out there.

  • Go click the “yes” button on the “Blood of the Werewolf” Steam Greenlight page. If you have a Steam account, it’s literally a single click. If you don’t have a Steam account, I suggest you get one, click “yes”, and then let me know so we can play Borderlands 2 forever.
  • Pre-order the game today, directly from Scientifically Proven, and get it for 50% off ($5 instead of $10).

Play “Blood of the Werewolf” demo, give it Steam Greenlight love

Blood of the Werewolf CoverThis Joystiq piece on Nathaniel McClure just reminded me to remind you of three things:

  1. McClure’s Scientifically Proven Entertainment is working on a game called Blood of the Werewolf, which I wrote about in March.
  2. I want to play this game, and so should you, because werewolfing out and then fucking murdering other monsters because they messed with your family is righteous on every level.
  3. I want to buy this game via Steam, and for that to happen, I really, really need you to go vote it up on Steam Greenlight.

Blood of the Werewolf was originally scheduled to come out last month, but has been pushed back to September for PC, Wii U eShop and PSN. If you’re on a Windows PC you can download a demo right now, and if you’re on a Mac, you can join me in watching these videos from the game’s official web site and sighing wistfully (once you’ve done the Greenlight thing).