Category: Administration

Technical and administrative notes about Werewolf News dot com.

I’m Sick; Keesha’s Getting Better

Just a brief note here to thank everyone who’s sent well-wishes and donations to us over our dog Keesha. She fell ill while I was away on a business trip, leaving my wife Tandye to look after her; now that I’m back, Keesha’s condition has stabilized, and actually seems to be improving a bit, and Tandye’s looking after me. I managed to catch some kind of British super-virus chest cold that makes me sound like the wheezy dog from Howl’s Moving Castle. I’m going to try to get some more new posts happening here tomorrow, but I wanted to let everyone know that Keesha’s still with us, and that I’m going to be sending out thank-you doodles to the donators this weekend. I’ll do that draw for Werewolf’s Guide To Life on Saturday, too. Now if you’ll excuse me, the NeoCitran is kicking in.

Our Dog Needs Help

We have a dog, Keesha, who has been my wife’s close companion for over 16 years. While I’ve been abroad, Keesha has developed significant breathing problems, and after a trip to the vet it was ascertained that she either has pneumonia or cancer. An expensive test is required to determine which it is, and by extension whether we can help her get better or simply help her be comfortable.

This has hit us both hard, but particularly my wife, who has never experienced the mixed blessings of a senior-aged pet. I won’t be home for another three days so if you have a few moments, it would mean a lot if you could visit the little site we’ve set up, to leave a kind comment. We’re accepting donations to help pay the $1,000 + bill, and any Werewolf News readers who chip in will get a stupid little thank-you doodle from me, plus an entry to win a copy of The Werewolf’s Guide To Life.

Thanks for your time, and we now return you to our regularly scheduled Werewolf News.

Oh Hi! Do You Like Werewolves?

Hi folks. Sorry for the silence over the past two weeks– my non-Werewolf-News workload got crazy and I didn’t have a contingency plan. I need to work on posting at a more regular pace so these droughts don’t occur anymore. I appreciate you coming back day after day! I have got a TON of stuff to post, some of it good, some of it bad, all of it werewolf-related. And before I post anything else, I need to give you my opinion on the recently-released book The Werewolf’s Guide to Life: buy it immediately. Like, right now. I haven’t laughed so hard or smiled so big while reading a book in a long, long time. Funny, scary, thoughtful and delightfully creative. I will be posting a more in-depth review in the next day or two, but yeah, in the meantime, let it be known– this is an excellent book that no werewolf fan should be without.

New Werewolf Poll for September: The Great Tail Debate

Last month we all agreed that “sequence” was the worst word to describe a werewolf’s transformation. This month’s poll has a more divisive topic: should bipedal werewolves have tails? Tails are a common physical feature on most werewolves. After all, wolves have tails, so it makes sense that a human / wolf hybrid would have one too, right? Right… or wrong! The primary purpose of a tail is to provide balance to fast-moving quadrupeds, and we’ve agreed for the sake of this poll that we’re talking about werewolves that move on two legs, not four. So what would be the point of having a tail if it didn’t serve a practical function? Anyone? Bueller?

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New Werewolf Poll for August: The worst word to describe a werewolf transformation

I’m going to start running a monthly poll on Werewolf News. You might have noticed two previous polls over there in the top right corner of the home page, but they weren’t run for any particular length of time– starting today, there will be a new one every month. This month’s question: Which is the worst word to describe a werewolf’s transformation? This question was inspired by the sudden appearance of the word “phase” in a lot of recent Twilight-related news articles (I get those whether I want them or not, thanks to Google News). I’ve been a werewolf fan for a long time, and “phase” is hands-down the single dumbest word I’ve seen used to describe a werewolf’s metamorphosis. Let’s see how many of you agree with me! Cast your vote, and if you’d rather vote for a word not listed, just leave a comment on this post.

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Lycanthrope Library

I’m PenningtonBeast (aka DragoniaKMP) and I’ve been asked to post excerpts here from my werewolf novel review blog Lycanthrope Library.

I have two reviews up right now, and I’m looking to receive some more. Anyone is allowed to submit a review, just send it to with “werewolf review” in the headline.

So thanks a lot and I hope to post some excerpts here soon!

Werewolves Are Boring

Well, no, they’re not, but at the moment there’s a lack of interesting werewolf news out there (unless you care about Twilight, but as we’ve discussed before, Twilight doesn’t actually have any werewolves in it). Expect some new art from around the web in the next few days, and if you have anything else cool and werewolf-related, send it in!

One Year of Werewolf News

I was abroad last week and didn’t notice the date until last night, but Werewolf News had its first birthday on March 26th. That’s really trippy to me– it sure doesn’t feel like it’s been a year since a Photoshopped picture of David Duchovny and the first photos of Benicio del Toro as The Wolf Man motivated me to register this domain and fire up WordPress. It’s been a lot of work, but even more fun, especially since I get to see all kinds of weird and wacky werewolf stuff every week– stuff I probably wouldn’t have known about if I wasn’t actively searching it out to share with you.

Speaking of you, I owe you some thanks. This site gets way more daily readers than I ever would have expected, and the fact that I get yelled at when I slack off for too long is a sign that there really are people out there like me– people interested in the minutae of werewolf costumes and art, people eager to see our furry, fanged friends gain more and more quality exposure in the world. So thanks, everyone. You keep reading the news (and sending it in), and I’ll keep posting it!

Werewolf Events Calendar

I’m happy to announce a (hopefully) useful new feature on Werewolf News– the Werewolf Events Calendar. The idea is to list any and all upcoming werewolf-related events, from movies and concerts to game and comic releases. I will be adding things as I learn about them, so if you’ve got an event you’d like to see listed, please let me know!

Naptime Is Over

Hey. I inadvertently took s few weeks off… again. Good thing I’m not getting paid to run this site, huh? :D

No, seriously, time to get back to it. More updates, features and Weekly Werewolf Art coming up this weekend. Thanks for reading.