Manny Aguilera is back with another pop culture inspired t-shirt illustration, this one based on NBC series Grimm. It features everyone’s favourite Blutbat and Fuchsbau couple, Monroe and Rosalee, and it’s available at a discount until Saturday morning. (more…)
Tag: shirts
Back the “What We Do In The Shadows” Kickstarter & get a “Werewolves Not Swearwolves” t-shirt

The folks behind What We Do In The Shadows are running a Kickstarter to fund their independent release of the film in America, and in the spirit of inclusiveness and good manners, they’re making this incredible “Werewolves Not Swearwolves” t-shirt design available as a backer reward. (more…)
Werewolf Wednesday Digest – May 2012, Part 1

It’s been a few weeks since my last celebration of Werewolf Wednesday, but when I woke up in my Boston hotel room this morning, I had this inspirational image by Tandye in my inbox, so I knew the time was right. (more…)
Another Werewolf Shirt to Crave: “The Curse of the Care Were” by Winter
This werewolf shirt by Sean Husbands (aka Winter) is awesome in all the right ways, and it should be on your body. Especially if you were alive in the 1980s and are now vaugely terrified by old episodes of Care Bears. Forget the “Care Bear Stare”… “Care Were Limb-Tear” is the new way. Buy it on Threadless for $20 US, or get an art print for $25.
Hat tip: Macabri
Classic “The Howling”, t-shirt style
How can you prove your love for “The Howling“? Get this t-shirt from Fright-Rags onto your body. There’s just no other way!
Hat tip: ArcLight
I cannot endorse this well-drawn, reasonably-priced “Swedish Bikini Werewolf Destruction Unit” T-shirt on Threadless
This shocking (but well-rendered) display of species-ist violence (and gratuitous lesbian smoochin’) is available for purchase as a t-shirt or hoodie from Threadless. I am appalled that Threadless would permit such an image on their site, and will be registering my outrage by waiting at least a day before purchasing it. A day at least. The responsible parties are Dick Firestorm and Peter Kramar, both terrible men with no decorum and excellent senses of humour. In closing, all I’m gonna say is that I’ve been to Sweden, and I don’t think they’d treat werewolves like that.
Hat tip: ArcLight
Clothe Your Frail Human Body with Werewolf T-Shirts Designed by Matthew Skiff
I’m working on a little side project that requires me to dog through all of the werewolf art I’ve posted on this site over the years, and I came across this post about a kick-ass t-shirt design by Matthew Skiff. I decided to check out what he’s been up to lately, and lo and behold, more werewolf designs! The first three are still available for purchase from their various imprints– just click an image below to get the pertinent details. I want that first one, “Save Me”. I want it.
(this one’s not for sale, sadly)
Penny Arcade’s Wolfman & Dracula T-Shirt
I need this. Read the comic it’s based on, and then you will understand that you need it too. Don’t argue.
Vote for “Berserker Teenage Werewolf” on Threadless
Designer Chakz has got a werewolf shirt up on Threadless: Berserker Teenage Werewolf. If it’s gonna get made, it needs your votes.
From the Makers of “3 Wolf Moon”: “3 Werewolf Moon” & 2 Other Werewolf T-Shirts
If you’re the sort of person who knows why a t-shirt with some airbrushed wolves on it is hilarious, get ready. Just get ready. The Mountain, creators of the 3 Wolf Moon shirt, have added werewolves to their repertoire of epically airbrushed body coverings. For some reason it’s really difficult to find these shirts on their web site, but if you have patience (and Flash) you can browse the catalog (page 174) and find three new entries in their “Skulbone” imprint: 3 Werewolf Moon, Transformation and Werewolf Moon (all pictured below). Only 3 Werewolf Moon is available online, courtesy of Amazon, but the other two are undoubtedly waiting for you at an authorized The Mountain retailer near you. I would wear the Transformation shirt, and I would only be a little ironic about it. I can admit this.
Thanks to Goldenwolf for letting me know about all three shirts and providing the image!