Blood Red Moon is a comic series written by Victor Wright and illustrated/coloured by Carlos Villas. The first issue – in which vikings try to turn a captive werewolf into a werewolf factory – is the subject of an already-successful Kickstarter campaign to cover printing costs. (more…)
Tag: Comics
Cloudwrangler’s free comic short “Been Bit” sinks its teeth in

Been Bit is a great little 8-page comic from Jeff Rider ( also known as Cloudwrangler Comics) about a “a hard man who’d led a hard life and wanted desperately to be good” and inspired, in part, by a song from True Detective. (more…)
WOLFEN JUMP In Print fundraiser!

Last year, a group of twenty-four artists contributed weird, heartwarming, terrible, scary comics to an anthology with an “extremely nebulous” theme of “wolf”. The result was WOLFEN JUMP, which I got very excited about during its inception phase. Now volume one is complete, and you can read the entire thing online for free.
But what if you want to read these comics somewhere other than Tumblr’s hyperactive nightmare zone? (more…)
Great werewolf cover art for “Bela Lugosi’s Tales from the Grave” issue 3
Nothing too earth-shattering here, just some sweet art to check out on a lazy Friday when you should be working. Yes, you. No, Google Reader doesn’t count as work. Anyway. Dread Central has a sneak peak at the cover of Bela Lugosi’s Tales from the Grave issue #3, which comes out this October. To quote Kris Straub (who wasn’t talking about this, but I love how he says this line in TMH so whatever): you’re gonna like it.
Did you like it? I liked it. Billy, you’re fucked. I’m looking forward to reading this. Check out Monsterverse for more details on the “Tales from the Grave” series – their site is still showing issue #2, but hopefully they’ll update it soon.
If you’re curious, David Hartman is responsible for this deliciously malevolent cover, and I recommend you check out his site for even more excellent horror art (hint: frequent werewolves).
via Dread Central
McGinty & Hughes: Amateur Thespians
My favourite web comic, Scary Go Round, is coming to an end. Its creator John Allison intends to begin a new comic in its stead this September. He won’t divulge the new comic’s title or subject, and has been teasing his readers about it via his blog. Yesterday he posted this, along with the message “Without further ado, here for the first time I reveal: THE NEW COMIC. Oh hang on that isn’t it. Not at ALL.”
John, why you got to play me like that?
Werewolves on the Moon: Versus Vampires, Issue #1

Sometimes the only things necessary are a synopsis, an image and a link.
Through all of history, on the night of the full moon, the bloodcurdling cries of werewolves have pierced the night sky. For centuries, werewolves have had to content themselves with shortened forays of feral change as dictated by the source of their power — the moon! But all that is about to change as three werewolf friends — Ted, Jeff, and Stan, leave Earth and travel to the lunar surface in a quest to become kings of the moon! Unfortunately, Moon Patrol captain Maggie Pilgrim has other plans . . . as does the hive of vampires living on the dark side!
Oh heavens yes. From the creators of Star War: Clone Wars, Werewolves on the Moon: Versus Vampires issue #1 hits stores June 3rd. Check out a 5-page preview or place a pre-order here. (Edit: you can get the whole series in a trade now!) Thanks for publishing stuff like this, Dark Horse.