What We Do In The Shadows is a horror/comedy/mockumentary by Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement, and as the recently-released official trailer shows, the film focusses heavily on a troupe of Wellington vampires. Other supernatural creatures are involved, including a pack of scruffy but well-mannered werewolves who figure prominently in the film’s third act.
I’ve always got time for whatever Jemaine Clement and Rhys Darby are up to. I’ve been a fan of theirs since Flight of the Conchords, and there’s no way I’m passing up a chance to see Darby play the alpha male of a werewolf pack (by the way, I highly recommend his delightful series Short Poppies).
What We Do In The Shadows screened at Sundance in January 2014 and was released to stellar reviews in New Zealand & Australia this summer. It’s screening at various festivals and events in Europe over the winter, and is slated for North American release on February 13, 2015. Visit the official web site or Facebook page for more details, or follow the hashtag #DeliciousNecks on Twitter.