Short and sweet! Thanks for the link, Nyetwerke.
Tag: Wolfman
Danny Elfman’s Score WILL Be Used In The Wolfman!
Okay, everyone, you can relax! According to MovieScore Magazine, Universal has confirmed that they will not be using Paul Haslinger‘s music to score The Wolfman. In a twist that would be crazy for any other film but which seems to be par for the course on this one, Danny Elfman’s back in… or at least, his ideas are. Elfman is still too busy with Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland to return to his work on The Wolfman, but reports that a number of additional composers (including Conrad Pope) will be brought in to stitch together the material Elfman’s already recorded with another 25 – 30 minutes of music. Word is that test audiences didn’t like Haslinger’s score, which (given his history with Tangerine Dream and his work on the Underworld films) may have been a bit too bleepy-bloopy for such a gothic, old-world looking film.
So, uh, yeah!
Del Toro Enjoyed Getting His Wolfman On
Despite having to rely on crew to remove his fangs so he could speak and his claws so he could use his hands, Benicio Del Toro enjoyed his time as a werewolf while on the set of The Wolfman. He recently spoke to The Daily Record about the experience, which involved scaring the hell out of unsuspecting crew and the occasional walk through London at 5 AM while still made up.
For more on The Wolfman‘s makeup and effects, check out last week’s issue of Make-Up Magazine (issue 82), which is dedicated to Rick Baker’s work on the film.
Gorgeous New Wolfman Poster Painted by Basil Gogos
We’ve seen Universal promote The Wolfman with theatrical posters both awesome and dull, but this latest is anything but traditional. Legendary painter-of-monsters Basil Gogos was commissioned by Universal to paint a vibrant, fantastically retro Wolfman poster, shared with you here in all its hi-res glory courtesy of You can enter to win a signed, limited-edition print through the Lunar Phases widget on the official Wolfman Facebook page. In addition to getting the scoop on this sexy poster, CHUD also has nice little interview with the artist himself. Check it out!
Fangoria Correspondant Traumatized (Delighted?) By Face-to-Face With Wolfman
For those of you who aren’t already climbing the walls (Underworld Lycan-style) with excitement over the approaching release of The Wolfman, here’s a tidbit from Fangoria’s January 2010 issue (which features on its cover a great new photo of the eponymous beast).
Midway through our chat, the lights go out, plunging the room into total darkness. “Stay calm,” instructs the film’s unit publicist, “it’s just a problem with the fuse.” But something is afoot. Suddenly, there’s movement at a door, and a large shape enters the room. As our eyes become accustomed to the gloom, Fango can make out the silhouette of a 7-foot-plus Wolfman, chowing down on a severed arm. As the lights come back up, this growling, slavering, hirsute beast bounds over and puts his snarling, fanged-filled face within inches of our own. And roars…
I don’t know who I’d rather be– the guy in the makeup or an unsuspecting bystander in the room! Visit Fangoria to read an expanded teaser of the article. Issue 290 of Fangoria hits stores January 19th. Why do I not have a subscription already?
Werewolf Bust by “Being Human” & “Wolfman” Effects Artist Darren Nevin

I just received an email from Darren Nevin. “I recently sculpted & cast a silicone Werewolf display bust”, Darren writes, and he wonders if I might like to share some of the photos with the people who read Werewolf News. Darren, sharing stuff like this is the reason I started Werewolf News in the first place! (more…)
Zut! France Gets Alternate “Wolfman” Trailer and Poster
Apparently has agents everywhere, including France, where werewolf fans are getting a slightly different view of The Wolfman promotional materials. There’s an alternate poster (thumbnail below) and a theatrical trailer with some scenes not shown in the North American versions. Check ’em out!
“Wolfman” Score – Elfman Out, Haslinger In
If you haven’t already heard this from the many news sources that exploded with panic over the subject last week, let me break it to you gently: Danny Elfman will not be composing the score to The Wolfman. I know. I’m sorry. He’s really very busy composing the score to Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland. It’s going to be okay, don’t worry. Here is a picture of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter you can look at while you regain your composure.
Taking Elfman’s place is Paul Haslinger, whose music you may have heard while watching Underworld, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, Crank or While She Was Out. He was also a member of Tangerine Dream, which is a qualification I dare you to denigrate. Haslinger will be recording the score in January 2010, which is cutting it pretty close to the February release, but everything else in this production has gone haywire and then (seemingly) gone right at the last moment, so why not the score?
I’ve heard some people bemoaning this change as further proof that The Wolfman will stink, but I’m actually vaguely cheered by this news. I like Danny Elfman’s work, don’t get me wrong, but I’m of the opinion that a composer’s score should blend into the film, just as an actor should become invisible in the role of a character. Elfman’s music is always appropriate but never blends… the moment I hear that jaunty-yet-morbid brass section kick in, I think well, here’s Danny Elfman again.
The Wolf-Thing In Cirque du Freak Is Pretty Silly
Cirque du Freak, the recently-released film starring John C. Reilly, has a wolfman in it, and it’s… well… they obviously chose to design it for the screen like that– the production values of the film are too high for this goofy-looking thing to be the result of low-budget ineptitude. Here’s a Youtube clip of the wolfman (graciously linked by Viergacht) just in case the photo above doesn’t do it for you. The question is, “why does he look like that?” The wolfman on the cover of The Vampire’s Assistant (one of the book in the series that inspired the film) looks like an actual wolfman. What you see in the film is the werewolf equivalent of a guy who wears his underpants over top of his jeans because he’s not paying attention. What do you think?
Also, while I love John C. Reilly, to me he will always be Dr. Steve Brule. For your health!