Category: Artwork & Creative

Illustrations, paintings and other artistic endeavours involving werewolves.

Keep the spirit alive with scary/cute “Happy Happy Halloween!”

Happy Happy Halloween! is your reminder from animator Julia “Hiro” Andersson that Halloween never ends, especially when you can keep its spirit alive by riffing on a sappy tune like “Happy Happy Christmas” in a face-shreddingly cute animated short. The blood from a ritually sacrificed rabbit helps, too.

Limited werewolf & fantasy creature art commissions from Viergacht

Fantastic monster / fantasy / creature artist and longtime friend of the site Viergacht has opened up a few commission slots!

I typically paint things like people, animals and monstery critters. Check around the gallery. Digital works will get you a print-quality file in whatever file format you prefer (tif, psd, png, etc.). If you want something you don’t see here, like an animated gif, con badge, tattoo design, whatever, feel free to email [viergacht at gmail dot com] and ask.

I’ve been the lucky recipient of several werewolfy Viergacht paintings thanks to my writing, my birthday and my participation in dumb speculation about “Back To The Future“. If you’d like some eerily realistic, biologically plausible monster art, now’s your chance!

The art of Kevin Cornell

I’ve been employed in the web development world since 2005, and tinkering with HTML as far back as 1997. That’s the same year A List Apart was founded, and the online magazine “for people who make web sites” has been on my regular reading list ever since. The articles are always well-written and interesting, but a big draw for me (no pun intended) are the accompanying illustrations by Kevin Cornell. (more…)

“Cycle of the Werewolf” Illustrator Wrightson Hospitalized

As reported by Bleeding Cool, legendary comic artist and illustrator Bernie Wrightson was hospitalized today after suffering “a series of small strokes”. According to his wife, his cognition and his spirits are good, although he’ll likely remain in the hospital for tests and possible surgery. (more…)

Behold the Patron Saint of Werewolf Wednesday

Via friend and Werewolf News reader Amurana comes this eye-popping photo of the raddest party-werewolf this side of 1992, or possibly the earthly incarnation of Adventure Time‘s Party God. The photo was taken by Thomas Hawk during a  2012 Holi celebration in Salem, Utah, and I ardently desire a giant print of it for times when I’m feeling down and Andrew W.K. isn’t around. (more…)

Another gorgeous Mondo poster for “The Wolf Man”

Here’s another wonderful piece of fine art werewolfery from Mondo, those magicians of film and pop culture artifacts. Mondo commissions incredible artists to produce poster artwork for cult / classic films and TV shows, and then burns through a run of limited edition prints in a flash sale designed to make collectors with slow internet connections cry bitter tears. (more…)

Come see me at Vancoufur 2014

If you live in the Vancouver area and you’ve ever wanted to take me to task in person for my controversial opinions on lycanthropic topics, this weekend is your chance. Starting at 11AM Thursday the 27th (tomorrow!) and running through Sunday March 2nd, my wife Tandye and I will be running a table in the Dealers’ Den at Vancoufur. (more…)

Stjepan Šejić’s “fur brush tutorial” werewolf portrait is killer

Croatian artist Stjepan Šejić cranked out this stunning depiction of what a werewolf victim sees five seconds before they die in less than 32 minutes just to show folks “how to make and use one of the variations of fur brush i make and use myself”. He even posted a video of the entire process, which is fascinating to watch, and which further vindicates my wife’s refusal to use any version of Photoshop newer than CS3. (more…)

The werewolf in “House Of Monsters” is a sly dog

I saw this on a friend’s Facebook timeline and was immediately transformed into a 7-year-old watching a Rankin/Bass special. It’s a teaser taken from a stop-motion film by Dawn Brown called House Of Monsters. The character designs are wonderful, and I think I like the werewolf even better than the Nightmare Before Christmas wolfman. (more…)

Werewolf Cats, Wookiee Masks, Wolf Tits Nabbed

Werewolf Cat!

Neon Werewolf Wookiee

Wolf Tits

Happy Friday! Here are a few tidbits I came across during the week. Check ’em out… or don’t? The choice is yours. (more…)