If you’d like to watch Lawrence Talbot do terrible things over and over from the comfort of your own home, you’re in luck: Director’s Cut DVD and Director’s Cut super-bonus-feature Blu-ray
editions of “The Wolfman” are available for pre-order now, and will be released on June 1st. In addition to the director’s cut of the film, the DVD version contains the theatrical cut and deleted / extended scenes. The Blu-ray version contains all of that too, plus
- Five featurettes: Return of The Wolfman, The Beast Maker, Transformation Secrets, The Wolfman Unleashed, Werewolf Legacy, Lore and Legend
- A “Take Control” feature with Makeup Artist Rick Baker, Visual Effects Producer Karen Murphy-Mundell and Director of Photography Shelly Johnson
- A digital copy of the film (no doubt encumbered with DRM)
- A copy of the original 1941 “Wolf Man” movie
I want to mention that every site I’ve seen mention these home releases has felt obligated to include a few shitty editorial comments about how “disappointing” this movie was. Even the official review Amazon is running moans about “bland computer-generated werewolves”. Sorry this movie didn’t blow the doors off Schindler’s List and the first three Indiana Jones movies, guys. It’s a bloody werewolf movie.