Category: Artwork & Creative

Illustrations, paintings and other artistic endeavours involving werewolves.

The Trustworthiness of Beards, as Assessed & Charted by Matt McInerney

I’ve been super busy today, but I wanted to share this delightful chart with you. Have you ever wondered if you could gauge the general trustworthiness of a person, based on the beard they’re sporting? Graphic designer Matt McInerney says you can, and he has a chart to prove it. He claims there’s no scientific basis to his observations, but other than grossly exaggerating the threat of werewolves, I think he seems to be spot-on. The Philosopher? Good. The Neckbeard? Watch yourself.

Click for the full thing at a (much) larger resolution.

Get a Caricature of Yourself as a Werewolf!

It’s you, but as a werewolf! My partner, co-conspirator and lupa Tandye (deviantART & Etsy) likes to draw werewolves. See what you’d look like as a werewolf without the expense and mess of all those prosthetic appliances and the makeup!

Get a print-quality digital sketch with a single-colour highlight for $15 US. Just upload a clear, well-lit photo of your face to an image host of your choice, paste the URL below and click “Buy Now”. You’ll get the completed picture via email within a week!

Web address of reference photo

Note: this post also has a permanent home here.

eBay auction for life-size werewolf bust. I dare you to outbid me.

Edit: bumping this up to the top because the auction ends in two hours. Current bid is $204.50 US. Want it? Get it!

Werewolf News reader Bill has notified me of an eBay auction he’s just started on a life-size werewolf bust. I really like the design– it’s evocative of the “horror” style of werewolf I like, so I’m the high bidder as of 1:56PM Pacific today. I’m shooting myself in the foot by posting this, but I’m duty-bound, so here are the details!

Due to a need for cash, I am selling a very rare (possibly one of only two in existence) lifesize werewolf bust. It is cast in resin with foam backing and is unpainted. I purchased this from the UK about 6 years ago. It is an awesome piece! Approximate dimensions are; 19″ from nose to back of head, 20″ tall, and 19″ across the back. Obviously the sculptor was inspired by the American Werewolf in London movie bust because it is similar but not the same and personally I like this one better. I think it is a little meaner looking

There’s no reserve and the auction runs until July 21st, so if you want to help Bill out with some cash in exchange for a wicked-looking werewolf bust, get over there and bid!

Fuzzy Camera – Werewolf Images Digest 1

I used to have a feature here called Weekly Werewolf Art. I haven’t done it in a long time, and even when it was running, the schedule was irregular. I wanted to showcase werewolf art that I thought was interesting, evocative, funny or just plain cool, but it was harder than I thought to single out just one image a week, and more work than I expected to write enough about the selected image to warrant a whole post on the site. But there’s a lot of great werewolf art out there, and rather than just going “right-click, save” into a folder I never look at again, I want to share it with other werewolf fans. The solution: just like I started Werewolf News as a place to post links to werewolf stuff that I like, I’ve started a little Tumblr site for cool werewolf pictures I find. It’s called Fuzzy Camera. You can bookmark / subscribe to it directly, but if you don’t feel like adding another site to the already-huge list of places you go online, don’t worry. Every now and then I’ll post a thumbnail digest of recent Fuzzy Camera finds right here on Werewolf News.

Just like this! Yes, there are some repeats from Weekly Werewolf News, but I wanted to get my favourites all into one place.

Fuzzy Camera /

Macabri Werewolf Photo Shoot

Through the magic of Facebook, I came across these great photos of Werewolf News reader / contributor / friend  Macabri. She was kind enough to let me post them here, and she had this to say about the shoot:

What I can tell you is that is was for a horror-themed group shoot that happened last year in San Diego. Each model was asked to dress up as some sort of monster, but since the coordinator already knew me, she asked me to be their werewolf. The makeup artist (Chrissy Lynn) is really good with blending sexy and scary and did the makeup from scratch that day with little to no planning. She always blows me away.

Great makeup, great photos, great concept! This looks like it was a lot of fun– I wonder if stuff like this happens in Vancouver? Thanks for sharing, Macabri!

Makeup & Hair
Chrissy Lynn
1,2 – Fournier Film
3 – Dale Porter
4,5,6 – Jayde Wofford

Werewolf short story contest on deviantART

Hey writers! There’s a writing contest being held at the deviantART group Werewolves At Heart. Submit an original 1,500 – 3,500 word short story about werewolves by Saturday, August 7th, using this prompt as inspiration:

You wake up shackled to a chair and can’t remember how you got there. Two voices are talking. You recognize one of them.

For more details, including a list of prizes (hint: art), visit the dA news article.

Clothe Your Frail Human Body with Werewolf T-Shirts Designed by Matthew Skiff

I’m working on a little side project that requires me to dog through all of the werewolf art I’ve posted on this site over the years, and I came across this post about a kick-ass t-shirt design by Matthew Skiff. I decided to check out what he’s been up to lately, and lo and behold, more werewolf designs! The first three are still available for purchase from their various imprints– just click an image below to get the pertinent details. I want that first one, “Save Me”. I want it.

(this one’s not for sale, sadly)

This Button Will Leave No Doubt Whatsoever

I saw this button by TobisMiniBoutique and I liked it. Let me tell you why: I like werewolves, and I like chunky, bold vector designs. I also like things that eliminate confusion, and if you’re sporting this button on your torn shirt, no one will wonder why you’re hunched over the mauled corpse of a mailman, covered in gore and gnawing on a femur. You can buy this button for $1.59 CDN, which seems like a pretty reasonable price for such an instructive communication tool.

DrawerGeeks Drawin’ Werewolves on Certain Weeks

There’s a lot of great werewolf art out there, hiding in the Internet’s various nooks and crannies. I just stumbled across a great one this morning: art-jam web site DrawerGeeks, wherein “professional artists (mostly from the animation, comic book, illustration and design fields) all draw their version of a chosen fictional character” every other Friday. Over the past few years there have been some topics which may interest you as they interested me: Movie Monsters, Universal’s Monsters, Red Riding Hood, and of course, Werewolves. I would buy a print of Joe Koberstein’s Movie Monster entry in a second.

“Lone Wolf”, the Hand-Drawn Post-Apocalyptic Werewolf Brawler

Brad Nelson’s making a video game, and it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before. I’ll let him explain it:

Lone Wolf is an upcoming beat-em up RPG featuring a martial artist who stumbles across a secret in a post apocalyptic wasteland that allows him to change into a werewolf.  The gameplay is an homage to the late 80’s and early 90’s beat-em up games and boasts high resolution comic book style hand drawn character animations set in a 3D environment.

This game looks like a labour of love, and sort of reminds me of a cross between Altered Beast and the drawings in the margins of my 11th grade math notes (in a good way). Lone Wolf has been under steady development since 2005, with much of that work apparently going into the elaborate combat and transformation animations of the player character. This is the Internet so people are going to bitch about the fact that all the enemies look the same, but when you’re building a Flash-based game engine from scratch, you’ve got to prioritize the development path. Presumably (hopefully!) there will be some more variety in the enemies and terrain by the time the game’s out.

If you’d like to encourage Brad’s efforts you can pre-order the game for $19.99 (or $7.99 for the next two days) and get access to betas and other material.