Shopping for one of those impossible “werewolf people”? Want to get them something that won’t just end up in the back of the closet next to that signed “An American Werewolf in Paris” poster? Relax– I’m here to help. Any one of these items will delight the werewolf-crazed lunatic (no pun intended) in your life, and the recipient will know you care enough about them to not just grab them a Blu-ray of “The Wolfman” and call it quits. I’ve linked to product pages wherever possible, since at this point in the month, most other online retailers have cut off their “will arrive before Christmas” ground shipping. These are in no particular order.

The best werewolf gloves you’ll find anywhere for less than $100 are an absolute steal at $25. Light, comfortable, durable, dextrous and they look great. I own two pairs of these and will probably buy another pair next year. Available from Zagone Studios.

I have a half-finished review for this in the hopper, but I can’t leave it off the list simply because I’m bad at managing my time. This is a 500-page brick of solid gold– the best fantasy novel I’ve ever read, period. Enge takes the werewolves of horror lore and builds a unique and utterly convincing society for them to inhabit. A must-read. Available from Amazon.

One word: gorgeous. This book is an illustrated journal that documents the lycanthropic infection and transformation of a teenage girl. Another amazing book which needs reviewing on this site, and which deserves a place on the most prestigious level of your bookshelf. Contains a clever and believable story, with none of the cringe-worthy teenage drama of “Ginger Snaps”, and some of the best werewolf drawings & sketches I’ve ever seen. Highly recommended! Available from Amazon.

Every page of this graphic novel is brimming with the ludicrous energy promised by the title and cover art (three werewolves staking a vampire to the Lunar surface with an American flag). Action, wry humour and clever dialog make this a gem. Great werewolf character design, too. Available from Amazon. By the way, I’m totally Stan.

Allow me to quote from my own review of this excellent graphic novel: “Joshua Boulet has captured and unapologetically celebrated everything that makes the werewolf wild, dangerous and fun.” It “genuinely horrified me. It also thrilled me with its energy, charmed me with its lovingly-crafted aesthetic and, above all, satisfied that primal part of my brain that just wants to see a vicious, monstrous werewolf tearing shit up.” If you’re mature enough to enjoy R-rated films, you’re mature enough to have your stomach punched by Josh’s savage little book. Available from Josh’s web site.

What can I say about this guy? Of all the werewolf stuff on my various home and office desks, he’s my favourite. It captures the Rick Baker wolfman design but the exaggerated proportions add a sense of playfulness that was sadly lacking from the film. Available from Amazon.

Once again, lifted from my review: “The Werewolf’s Guide to Life belongs right next to the Bible in every werewolf’s (or werewolf’s spouse’s) nightstand. Its subtitle ‘A Manual for the Newly Bitten’ accurately represents what lies between its covers: not a tepid modernization of werewolf myths peppered with pseudo-scientific explanations, but rather a no-nonsense (yet oddly humorous) instructional guide for newly-initiated werewolves.” Available from Amazon.

Forget vampires. The real enemy? Unicorns. This shirt lets everyone know that you know the truth. It’s also designed and sold by one of the awesomest dudes around. This shirt. Available from TopatoCo.

Perfect for the fashion-conscious werewolf-lovin’ lady (or open-minded fellow) in your life. Get a bloody-fanged werewolf design on open-toed pumps, platforms, flats or a clutch wallet. All available from Amazon.