Tag: Art

“Thriller” by Shane Lewis

Thriller by Shane Lewis

While searching for an image to accompany a post about the inclusion of Michael Jackson’s Thriller werewolf costume in a stage performance he was working on, I found this fantastic illustration by storyboard artist Shane Lewis. From the oh-so-80’s jacket to his tremendous mane, Shane totally nailed Michael’s werewolf look from the epic music video. Truly, werewolf Michael Jackson is not like other guys. For starters, no other guy would wear loafers like that. Shane posted this around Halloween 2007, back when the Internet only had miserable things to say about Jackson, so he earns quadruple karma points for being a kick-ass artist and a nice guy. Check out Shane’s blog for more awesome art (and to learn about his apparent fear of being eaten by sharks and / or bears).

Darkstalkers Tribute Art Book from UDON Entertainment

Darkstalkers Tribute - Talbain and Felicia

Tandemonium has alerted me to UDON Entertainment’s Darkstalkers Tribute book, which sounds like the holy grail for fans of the video game series‘ iconic art and character design. Expect plenty of Jon Talbain art!

Inside are nearly 300 pages of artwork portraying the Darkstalkers cast in a feverish array of styles and designs, from tightly rendered realistic paintings through to abstract and iconic interpretations. This is a lush video game art gallery in a book, bursting with inspiration and energy on every page.

The book is a nice fat hardcover edition, and you can pre-order it straight from UDON’s site for $80 US + shipping. It will also be available at a number of anime and video game conventions, including Anime Expo, Otakon and Penny Arcade Expo. Preorders through the web site ship in August.

Dread Central Scoops the “Werewolf” Series DVD Cover

Two weeks ago we were talking about the imminent release of the entire Werewolf TV series on DVD. Now it seems the folks at Dread Central have wielded their charm and managed to get an exclusive copy of the package’s cover art! Behold the glory, the beauty, the lycanthropy, the dramatic lighting:

Werewolf - The Series - DVD Cover Art

The series is being remastered, repackaged and re-released by Shout! Factory on September 1st.

Tip to the entertainment industry: permit more exciting, beautiful re-releases like this one is shaping up to be, and you will induce people to use their credit cards instead of µTorrent or Transmission.

Thanks to Dread Central for obtaining this. One day I hope to be as cool and influential as you.

Cool Werewolf Pics from Twitter

Earlier today I posted a request on Twitter for people to send me links to any cool werewolf pictures they had, whether they created it or not (with appropriate credit, of course). This request was set off by an intriguing postage stamp-sized photo in @chaoticlycans‘s background image. He was kind enough to provide a link to the full-sized version, which he says came from “somewhere on photobucket”. Does anyone know what the original source is?

The other noteworthy response came from @Ashleyfishman, who sent in three separate drawings of her own. Nice work, Ashley, and thanks for responding!

Edit: Ashley has just gifted me with the very first piece of Werewolf News fan art! Ashley, you rock!

Werewolf News - Ashley Fishman

Anyone else who’s got some particularly cool werewolf images of their own, whether it’s their own artwork or something they found elsewhere (again, with appropriate credit given to the source), send it my way via Twitter (@werewolfnews) or the Werewolf News contact form. Also, if you’ve found something awesome but don’t know where it came from, submit it and I’ll post it with a request to help identify a source. There’s a lot of really great werewolf art out there, from protraits to transformation scenes– let’s see some more of it!

Strangeways: Murder Moon Author Giving Away Free Copies

Strangeways: Murder Moon author Matt Maxwell found Werewolf News via Twitter and then left a comment on an August post about his dark werewolf western. He’s giving away copies of Murder Moon on a weekly basis– all you need to do to get your name in the draw is correctly answer a question about the newest Strangeways book, The Thirsty (it’s about vampires, but he covered werewolves first, so we’ll forgive him). You can read new pages of The Thirsty as they’re released, so keep an eye on the Strangeways site!

The Top Five Worst Werewolf Book Covers Ever

Werewolf News is pleased to present this special report from jujitsu / River City Ransom sensation Mike Roukas.

There is a fine line between the intentional retardedness of Teen Wolf and the unwitting ineptitude of the JarJar Binks-era Star Wars movies. I regret to say that when it comes to making werewolf-related media, it’s very easy to cross that line and blast into uncharted dimensions of stupidity. The following are what I believe to be the top five aesthetic blunders in the wide, wide world of werewolf book covers. Please keep in mind that the cringe-inducing ineptitude of these covers doesn’t necessarily reflect the writing inside them, but it probably does.


“The Victim” by Viktor Titov

[click for full version]

Viktor Titov (known as Hamsterfly on DeviantArt) was commissioned to create this piece as a cover for the Russian version of Daemon Summoner. Viktor has provided us with four extremely unpleasant-looking werewolves and a woman who probably wishes she had brought a shotgun on her evening stroll. I particularly like the monstery way the werewolves have been rendered… there’s nothing cuddly or Twilight-dreamy about these guys. Well done Viktor!

“Werewolf in London” by gothic180

Werewolf in London by gothic180
[click for full version]

According to gothic180, this puzzled rendition of David (yes, the American Werewolf in London has a name) was inspired by Last Exit  to Nowhere’s Slaughtered Lamb t-shirt. This is a shirt that I like (I’ve even mentioned it before). and while David seems confused about wearing it, you have to admit that he wears it well.

“Into Werewolf Returns” by AbyssWolf

"Into Werewolf Returns" by AbyssWolf

[click for detail page]

Being a web developer by trade, I normally hate animated GIF images with a fiery passion, but what AbyssWolf has accomplished in 252 small frames is nothing less than magnificent. It’s hard to imagine all the energy and detail of a werewolf transformation being captured in a pixel-based animation, but here it’s expressed with drama and motion to spare.

AbyssWolf hails from Madrid, Spain, and a browse around his DeviantArt gallery reveals an artist with an eye for detail and a truly impressive command of pixels. Be sure to check out the minotaur, the dragon and an earlier version of the werewolf transformation above. Many thanks to Tandemonium for spotting this one!

“Werewolf” by Steve Lambe

Werewolf by Steve Lambe
[click for full version]

This werewolf knows what Halloween is all about, and he’s here to remind you that the next one is only nine months away. Better get crackin’ on those wolfy costumes. You might consider his pants as a good starting point.

Steve Lambe is a kick-ass character designer out of Burbank, California. His official site is down for a redesign at the moment, but I strongly urge you to check out his blog, which is loaded with tons of amazing artwork– everything from monsters like this werewolf (who has adorned my desktop for the past three weeks) to Little Golden Book and Richard Scarry homages. Great stuff!