Today, March 31st, is Transgender Day of Visibility, which is why I’m happy (and nervous) to tell you that the person who runs this site is trans. I’m Angela. Hi.
I stopped going by “Andrew” on this site and elsewhere a few years ago – most people in my life know me as “Angela” or “AQ”. I never mentioned it here on Werewolf News before now because it’s not germane to the site’s content, but in light of all the recent anti-trans legislation being passed around the United States, I feel like positive visibility is more important than ever. Things are getting better around the world for LGBT folks, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.
If you’re LGBTQ and struggling, you’re not alone. If you’re straight and/or cisgender and don’t really care about trans people because you “don’t know a trans person”, well now you do!
It’s nice to be out here, finally – the people I’ve met over the years that I’ve been running this site are some of the best people I know, and it’s a relief to stop maintaining any kind of separation of identity between “person who runs Werewolf News” and literally every other facet of my daily life. I’m @aquinton on Twitter if you want to say hi.
Happy Trans Day of Visibility!