As reported yesterday by The Hollywood Reporter, Milla Jovovich is in “final negotiations” to star in a film that adapts three George R.R. Martin short stories called “In The Lost Lands”. Jovovich would play Gray Alys, a sorceress who is hired by a queen to acquire the power of lycanthropy.
The film covers three Martin stories that don’t seem to be related, but director Constantin Werner has apparently adapted them into a single interconnected tale. Distributor Myriad Pictures describes the Gray Alys story (from which the film takes its name) thusly:
…the desperate queen of a city built into a towering mountain hires the sorceress Gray Alys (Jovovich) to travel into the ghostly wasteland called the Lost Lands, to obtain the gift of shape-shifting into a werewolf, but she doesn’t realize that the fulfillment of her wish will come at a terrible price.
The story is included in several anthologies, including Curse of the Full Moon and Dreamsongs. In Curse it’s introduced as the opening instalment in a series that has “never progressed beyond a few pages of an unfinished sequel”.
I just finished reading the story and I enjoyed it. Based on Martin’s description of Gray Alys I think Jovovich is an excellent casting choice. Alas, the werewolves in it are of the “big wolf” variety. The story itself doesn’t hinge on any particular depiction of the werewolf, though, so perhaps Werner will take some editorial liberties with the creature design.
Myriad will be presenting In The Lost Lands to buyers at this week’s European Film Market.