Penny Arcade‘s recent venture into the world of collectable / tradable pins (as “Pinny Arcade”, natch) has branched into a few thematic directions, one of which is a tie-in with Double Helix’s Xbox fighter Killer Instinct – specifically, the Killer Instinct Pin Ultimate Edition, a version of the game that comes in a “premium case that doubles as a display for collectible Pinny Arcade pins”. If you remember how excited I got about the KI character Sabrewulf last year, it should come as no surprise that I’m delighted with the release of the Pinny Arcade 1.25″ Sabrewulf pin. Even the cursory product copy made me chuckle:
You read right – we’re not talking about some run of the mill wulf, just wulfin’ around on a Saturday afternoon. We’re talking about a Werewolf Martial Artist, for real, which might be gilding the lily a bit…?
I like Jerry Holkins’s writing, I like Mike Krahulik’s art, I like Sabrewulf, and I like unique werewolf collectibles. That’s a quadruple-whammy (or a “baker’s hat-trick”, as we* say in Canada), and such a potent confluence of interests means I’ll be paying $14.99 for this, even thought the only other pin I own is a “Vancouver 2010 Candidate City” pin I got in Whistler in 2003.
*meaning “me”. Only I say that.