Via Bloody Disgusting comes the news that you can watch the filthy, druggy, dance-tastic 2010 werewolf short film “Coyote” on Vimeo right now.
Coyote was written and directed by Joel Potrykus, and examines the life of “a distraught squatter”, portrayed to wonderful effect by Joshua Burge, who ” tries to cope with his werewolf nature through drugs and music.” In an interview with Michigan Film News, Joel ascribed the film’s Super 8 filmstock to his desire to capture the “grit and grain” of monster movies from the 70’s – a choice that serves the film’s grimy, washed-out vibe well. The slow pace reminds me of the build-up to David Kessler’s first transformation in An American Werewolf in London, and overall I really enjoyed it!