The ongoing saga of the Scarlet Huntress is a passion project in comic form by husband and wife team Sean and Stephanie Forney. Right now they’re running a Kickstarter project for The Scarlet Huntress Anthology, a graphic novel collecting three new stories by John Barker, Bryan K. Borgman Stephanie Forney herself. I haven’t read any of the previous Scarlet books, and when I do I’m sure I’ll shake my head at all the senseless werewolf-murder, but I’m a big fan of spouses teaming up to make cool shit, and I like this project a lot.
In addition to a copy of the new book in a variety of formats, rewards for backers include:
- copies of the previous three Scarlet books (one of them’s a children’s book, which is an idea I love)
- photo prints of the live-action inspiration for Scarlet, model Brianne Jeanette
- metal and resin miniatures sculpted for use in Bryan’s tabletop game Kaiju Kaos
- other stuff, including advertising space in the new book, a t-shirt to cover your frail human form, and artwork to increase the werewolf-quantity of your living space
Below you’ll find the cover for the Anthology, Brianne in full-on Scarlet mode, and examples of the miniatures. For more details on the history of Scarlet Huntress and the stories in the Anthology, go check out the Kickstarter campaign. Best of luck, Forneys and friends!