Werewolf News reader B. Dorr mentioned in a recent comment that a second trailer for the new Little Red Riding Hood film had been released, and that this version “has taken that ‘Twilight’ sense out of it that we’ve noted in the first trailer.” The first trailer was packed with all the extra dreamy lighting and dramatic hair director Catherine Hardwicke had left over from her earlier endeavor, but I will admit that this second cut makes the film look a little less like a mom-fest. Of course, now it just looks like a confused mess. The Nine Inch Nails remix in the background doesn’t really sit well with the period-piece setting, does it? And until Amanda Seyfried says something about going to Grandmother’s house, I’d actually forgotten that this was supposed to be a re-telling of the classic European story we all know from childhood. Leave it to Gary Oldman to save the day– his voiceover throughout the trailer is bad-ass.
Still not feeling this one, friends, although I’d love for it to surprise me. What do you think?