So I was Twitter-stalking Autodesk Mudbox god Wayne Robson, who in the parlance of Roast Beef Kazenzakis is “a main dude of Mudbox”. I’d noticed him tweeting about the last in a series of tutorials he’s been doing for 3DCreative Magazine. The latest issue contains his final tutorial for 3DCreative: a female werewolf. Wayne was kind enough to share with me (and all of you) a 2oMB 2438 x 3000 pixel render of the completed werewolf. You can click the version above for a smaller JPEG version, but avail yourself of this link [12MB .zip] if you want the XXL version. If you’d like to see how he created it, you can download 3DCreative issue 062 for a sensible £2.75. You can also check out more of Wayne’s excellent work at his web site