She-Wolf Wants to Know: Who’s Your Favourite Female Werewolf?

Academic, writer, publisher, friend and fellow werewolf enthusiast Dr. Hannah Priest has a terrific post up on her blog, She-Wolf, in which a number of contributors (including your humble servant) make a case for our favourite female werewolves. Hannah’s the authority on lady lycanthropes, so the results of this poll will be canonical – we’ll be logging the results with the Library of Congress and Wolfram Alpha.

The nominees are:

  1. Kelsey ‘Boobs’ Bornstein (in ‘Boobs’ by Suzy McKee Charnas)
  2. Sergeant Angua (in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series)
  3. Wolfgirl’ (in The Company of Wolves)
  4. Nina (in Being Human)
  5. Kitty Norville (in Carrie Vaughn’s Kitty Norville books)
  6. Brigitte Fitzgerald (in Ginger Snaps: Unleashed)
  7. White Fell (in Clemence Housman’s The Were-Wolf)
  8. Leah Clearwater (in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series)

I nominated Brigitte Fitzgerald, but she’s up against some pretty tough company. Read through each contributor’s analysis and post your vote (or write in your own) on the She-Wolf blog, then come back here and defend your choice (unless you picked Brigitte).