Word is once again making the rounds about Legendary, the “you opened Pandora’s box and now werewolves and gryphons are attacking the city” first-person shooter from Spark Unlimited. It was recently shown off at PAX, and by all accounts it’s actually exceeding expectations.
Tag: legendary the box
Legendary Available for Preorder
This is a good week for preorders! If you’re interested in Legendary – The Game (formerly Legendary – The Box), it’s now available for preorder. If you’re interested in battling and, apparently, herding werewolves (among other supernatural creatures), you can pick it up from Amazon for Playstation 3, Xbox 360
or Windows (2000, XP or Vista)
. It ships November 4, 2008.
Legendary Werewolf Image Gallery
If you’re interested in the werewolves in Legendary The Game (formerly Legendary – The Box), Kotaku has a great werewolf-centric screenshot gallery up. The poster, Mike Fahey, mentions that the werewolves look exactly like the ones that plagued his childhood nightmares, and many of the commenters on the gallery express similar sentiments. Did any of you have werewolf nightmares when you were kids?
“Legendary – The Box” Preview
Do you like first-person shooters? Do you like bloodthirsty werewolves, pedestrian-munching gryphons and giant tentacles that destroy police cars? Then you may like Legendary – The Box, a new game for Xbox 360 and PS3. The premise? Next Generation summarizes it nicely in their preview of the game:
Bad news. Charles Deckard, gentleman thief, has opened Pandora’s Box. The real one, which turns out to have been quietly on display in the New York Met all these years. The consequences? An eruption of mythical animals flowing through Manhattan, and reducing the world to a crumbling, September 11-influenced wasteland.
What makes Legendary stand out, from all reports, is the game’s AI– the process that controls your opponent’s actions. The werewolves don’t discriminate: they’ll eat you, but they’ll make a nice snack out of your foes, too, which is a dynamic that provides a high degree of challenge and entertainment. From MTV Multiplayer’s account of the game:
I shot off the lock. The werewolf systematically took out everyone in just a few seconds. The problem: He didn’t commit suicide afterwards. I had to deal with him.
Legendary is being developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Gamecock. You can visit the official site here.