Here’s the official video for “OMAR K” by Rainbow Arabia. A mother and daughter turn into werewolves in a supermarket and wreak havoc. There are tomahawks. Wine is consumed. The werewolves just look like two people with slapdash John Lennon costumes. The music is a weird mix of tribal dance and yelping vocals. It’s the strangest thing I’ve seen all year, and I couldn’t look away.
Can someone interpret this for me? I liked it, but I don’t know why.
Courtesy of NME, here’s the video for the latest Yeah Yeah Yeahs single, “Heads Will Roll”. I’m a YYY fan so I would have liked this video even if it didn’t feature a bad-ass horror-style werewolf with Michael Jackson moves, and the way the (prodigious amounts of) gore is handled during the video’s second half is dazzling and inspired. Nice intestines, guy!
Heads Will Roll is the second track on the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs record, It’s Blitz.
Say what you will about Michael Jackson… Thriller was an amazing video when it first came out in 1983, and it’s still pretty awesome today. Jimi Cuell feels the same way, and last October, he and his dedicated crew of dancers / zombies / 80’s fashion victims / filmmakers collaborated to create an homage that is both hilarious and impressive.
Tony Slotslider’s Book of Terror is an eight-minute short film that Cuell & friends wrote, shot and edited, all within 48 hours. Madness, you say? Nay, friends, it’s the Bloodshots 48-Hour Horror Filmmaking Contest. Cuell’s group was required to create a film in the werewolf genere, and they had a few other guidlines as well– they had to include an occult book as a prop, and use the line “this picture looks familiar” as part of the dialog. “We came up with the idea in something like 10 minutes,” Cuell told The Vancouver Courier. “And then we went straight home and started working on the song and that took three hours or so. We wrote the lyrics accordingly and went and grabbed a werewolf mask and just went from there.” See the results for yourself!