Tag: claws

Tom Spina Designs “Mystery Project” Werewolf Teaser Photos

What kind of werewolf project are they working on over at Tom Spina Designs? I know the answer but I ain’t tellin’ (until the man says I can).

A number of teaser photos have appeared on their Facebook page over the past few days (go and Like them!), with this lovely hand shot being the latest. Seeing this stuff make me want to quit my day job and go back to school. Look. Covet. I know I am.

Check out the detail on this sculpt. [insert dumb joke about manicures here]

And these nails…

… are going into these feet, which are getting some hand-punched hair added.

Sweet “Wolfman” Prosthetic Arms & A Distressed-Looking Animatronic Werewolf

I saw @CreatureCompany mention this on Twitter this morning, and it definitely met my criteria for posting here (I clicked and said “whoah, that’s cool!”, which is all it really takes). Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props is a blog dedicated to exactly what you’d expect. This morning, its proprietor Jason posted a bunch of photos he took at a recent display of “Wolfman” props at Universal Studios Hollywood. If you’re into the movie or creature effects, I suggest you go have a look. Here are two photos I cribbed from Jason’s post: