Recently I took a short break from my column and went on holiday for the first time in ages. Through my work at MI6, I travel constantly and visit many exotic locations, but my trips abroad are typically combined with murder and mayhem, so they’re usually not very relaxing. (more…)
Category: Ask Andronica!
Advice from a Glamour Werewolf on living the lycanthropic lifestyle.
Ask Andronica! Hollywood & Vampires

Although I had intended to start this column with another amusing anecdote from my treasure-trove of lycanthropic lore, time is short this week, since I have been temporarily assigned to an MI6 listening-post in Kiev. Not quite as bad as Kazakhstan (the vodka is better), but still annoying, because it takes me away yet again from my search for Lysandra – just when I had received a fresh lead, this time from New York City of all places. (more…)
Ask Andronica! Dreams & Glamour

Today is the 333rd birthday of the composer Georg Philipp Telemann. Last week was the 300th birthday of his godson Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. When you’re as old as I am, you normally don’t count years, but round birthdays – especially of humans we once knew – are grounds for grateful remembrance. (more…)
Ask Andronica! Instincts and Guilt

After my first column was published two weeks ago, it didn’t take more than an hour before I received an angry phone call from Livia in New York. The Sisterhood of the Wolf had tolerated my publishing activities so far, she said, because everyone would assume that it was all fiction. If I now began answering questions from the public, however, then verification of my existence would be possible – at least by those who submit questions to the column. (more…)
Ask Andronica! Happy Valentine’s Day (Massacre)

Happy Valentine’s Day and welcome to my first column here on! In the time-honoured tradition of ‘Dear Abby’, both humans and werewolves alike can seek advice on dealing with the common problems of everyday lycanthropic living. (more…)