Category: Artwork & Creative

Illustrations, paintings and other artistic endeavours involving werewolves.

“Mrs. Peterson and the Wolf”: a ‘screw you, nosy kid’ comic by Rachel Deering & Glen Ostrander

Every creative person cringes when they see / hear / read their first widely-exposed creation. My wife Tandye does it with her early art, my friend Colin does it with the early incarnations of his music, I did with with my first published story, and Rachel Deering does it with her early work in comics. “You gotta start somewhere”, Rachel tweeted yesterday, along with a link to Mrs. Peterson and the Wolf – her “first attempt at writing AND lettering”.

Illustrated and coloured by Glen Ostrander and originally published in Nix Comics Quarterly #3, “Mrs. Peterson” is like a Tales from the Crypt episode condensed into five pages: smart alec kid sticks his nose where he shouldn’t, smart alex kid gets fucked up. It’s fun in a way that makes me want to high-five someone and then play Rob Zombie really loudly. You can read the first two pages below, then visit Rachel’s site to read the whole thing (or buy Nix Quarterly #3, loaded with lots of other comics too and a steal at five bucks).

Given my mandate of only sharing werewolf stuff I like, “Mrs. Peterson and the Wolf” is certainly worth posting about on its own merits. However, I particularly wanted to share it with Werewolf News readers because I think Rachel’s feelings about it are a prime example of the self-critical tunnel vision that afflicts creative people.

This is Rachel’s first published writing and lettering job, so all she can see are its flaws. I can totally relate to that. I can’t read my own story in Wolf-Girls without cringing at what I perceive to be sloppy mistakes and missed opportunities. Nevertheless, I think creative types (including myself) would do well to remember that audiences won’t notice 99% of the flaws we see in our own work. We’re too close to be objective, and so over-exposed to the thing, whatever it is, that even the subtlest nuance seems hamfisted and strident. Irrelevant. As creators, we must be kind to our first creations. If anyone likes it, we have succeeded, and the fact that we made and finished a thing at all is something to celebrate.

And of course, when we’re done celebrating, we can always go and make something new.

Want a classic werewolf figure? Vote up this design by Kyoht on Patch Together

If you have a hole in your life that’s shaped like a snarling werewolf figure (I know do), artist Kyoht and “vote for it and we’ll probably create it” collectible site Patch Together are here to help.

Kyoht has designed a classic werewolf figure, and if it gets enough votes and comments on Patch Together, you’ll be able to buy it. Sound good? Sure it goes! So go vote!

The Cover For Penny Arcade’s 9th Book, “Passion’s Howl”, is Making Me Feel Weird

This morning on Twitter, Penny Arcade’s Mike Krahulik (aka Gabe) posted the cover art for the ninth Penny Arcade book, “Passion’s Howl“. Here it is.

I’ve been delighted by every werewolf-related endeavour Penny Arcade has undertaken. This image is no different, despite the fact that it’s making me feel skittish and antsy in ways I can’t quite define. No word on a release date yet.

A Double Dose of Deering: Original Werewolf Painting Sale & Anathema #1 For Free

I have two Rachel Deering – related things for you this morning. Firstly: original werewolf painting for sale! In an effort to finance some 2012 convention appearances and book printing costs, Rachel is selling an original 3′ x 4′ acrylic painting by Ohio tattoo artist and painter Toby Gehrlich. Created in payment for designing Gehrlich’s art book, this fearsome beast has lived in Rachel’s office since 2011, and now it can hang in your office, den or nursery. If you’re interested, get in touch with her via Twitter.

Secondly: if you’ve wanted to read the first issue of Rachel’s werewolf comic Anathema but missed out on both Kickstarter campaigns through which it was available, get ready. Are you ready? Good. Now, click this link for a free PDF of the first issue in its entirety. That’s right, she’s giving away the first issue of Anathema for free. If you haven’t read it yet, please stop what you’re doing and dedicate the next 20 minutes of your life to some serious self-enrichment involving werewolves and righteous vengeance.

The most awesome werewolf birthday cake, ever

This was on the kitchen counter when I woke up this morning. Chocolate werewolf birthday cake? I have the best partner ever. Thanks, Tandye!

Werewolf Wednesday Digest – May 2012, Part 1

It’s been a few weeks since my last celebration of Werewolf Wednesday, but when I woke up in my Boston hotel room this morning, I had this inspirational image by Tandye in my inbox, so I knew the time was right. (more…)

Werewolf Wednesday Digest – April 2012, Part 1

Lately I’ve been seeing the #WerewolfWednesday hashtag pop up on Twitter. I don’t know who started it, but I like it, and I feel bad that I rarely have anything special to post on that particular day. Now, at the suggestion of @DavidJonFuller, I’m going to try Doing A Thing (and David is, too). Every Wednesday I’m going to post a digest of all the werewolfy goings-on that I’ve heard about during the previous six days but didn’t get a chance to post about (or that didn’t warrant a post of its own, for whatever reason). So, here we go!

David Fuller has an excellent interview with Rachel Deering, writer / creator of that Anathema comic I’ve been crowing about lately. I’m always interested in hearing what creative werewolf fans have to say, especially those that can actually deliver on their creative vision. Rachel’s one of those.

Here are two nice lookin’ shirts on RedBubble, designed by HeartJack: Sons of Lycanthropy and Memorial Werewolf Hunt. Love the designs, although I can’t condone the second one.

I’ve only watched the first five minutes of RED MOON, a very silly but highly agreeable little film by Sirocco Research Labs. When I get a minute I’ll watch the rest for sure – I’m compelled by four words: Soviet werewolf submarine captain.

Want some more compelling words? Nazi Werewolves from Outer Space. This sounds like a Rob Zombie concept album, but it’s actually a graphic novel by Simon Sanchez and Dean Juliette. That’s literally all I know about it – Simon emailed me about it, but the email just said “‘Check out my new comic. It’s called “Nazi Werewolves from Outer Space.’ I have a fan page for it on Facebook.” No links or anything. So, maybe it’s good? If you read it, let me know.

Hannah Kate, proprietor of the She-Wolf blog and organizer of the upcoming Manchester Monster Conference, has just posted a delicious essay comparing the portrayal of werewolves and teenage girls in tween-targeted fiction. Monster High vs. Sweet Valley High was an excellent (if ultimately dispiriting) lunchtime read, especially if you’re familiar with either of the franchises.

Lastly, Werewolf News has a Pinterest account, which I hope will replace the now-defunct Fuzzy Camera. If you thought Pinterest was the domain of picky brides-to-be, amateur home decorators and fashionistas… you’d probably be right. But I aim to get some monstrous werewolf stuff in there! All up ins, to paraphrase Jerry Holkins.

And that concludes the first Werewolf News Werewolf Wednesday!

Teach Your Kids the Alphabet the Awesome Way with the “ABC Monsters” Video

saw this on FEARnet yesterday and loved it. Some of the references went over my head (especially the “classic” ones), but I was happy to see ‘W’ properly represented. ‘B’ and ‘D’ were great, too.

Nice work by La Pompadour!

“Shades of Red” – Red Riding Hood as told on Facebook

“Digital storytelling” agency Eastwood Media is cooking up something interesting on Facebook. Shades of Red is “a modern-day re-telling of Red Riding Hood”  – ho-hum – “that will be told through facebook” – wait, what?

Seven years ago, Werewolf’s Guide to Life author Ritch Duncan told a terrific werewolf story via “this is real” blog posts. That was linear story-telling from a single point of view, though. A multi-person story happening in real time on a social network like Facebook sounds much more complicated, and I’m really interested to see how it pans out.

deviantART Werewolf-Horror Contest for March

My werewolf-themed art group is having a contest and we’re currently low on entries.

The idea is to see who can come up with the most horrifying and brutal werewolf creation mythos. Entries can either be in writing or art form. We really want to see you guys push the envelope with your imagination for this one.

You must post the image to DeviantART and submit it to our group to enter.

The winner gets a colored pencil portrait of a personal character of their choosing done by me, penningtonbeast, and their artwork featured on the front page of the group and the “Winner’s Circle” folder in the group gallery.