Pop quiz! Which of the following best describes Frank Bruce’s online, free-to-read comic The Marrow Bones? Find the answer at the bottom of this post!
- a lovingly-illustrated storybook for disturbed children
- a pitch for an enjoyable episode of Tales from the Crypt or The Outer limits
- “a tale of societal expectations and conformity”
- a dark little morality tale with a punchline that could be summarized by the last line of Mother Mother’s song “The Stand”
- all of the above
I had a lot of fun reading this. It’s a privilege to see someone’s concept expressed with such diligence, craftsmanship and character. The artwork – generally hand-drawn on Bee Paper products with Sakura Micron ink pens and Copic markers, according to Frank’s site – is mesmerizing, and the story leads down some interesting paths before taking a (maybe kind of expected but still enjoyable) twist.
There’s a ton of captivating art on his site, including a gallery titled “Women & Werewolves” that had me scrolling for a long time. For more of his work you can also follow him on Instagram and Facebook.
Thanks to @EvilViergacht for the link.
Quiz answer: stop reading this and go look at the comic, ya dingus