The 13-episode Netflix original series Hemlock Grove, based on the novel of the same name by Brian McGreevy, will premiere on April 19th. Eli Roth (who directed the first two Hostel films and swung a Nazi-seeking baseball bat in Inglourious Basterds) will executive produce, as well as handle directing duties for the pilot and the last two episodes. Above is the trailer (which my favourite media site AV Club carefully dissects), and here’s a synopsis from the Netflix press release:
The series revolves around the eccentric residents of a dilapidated former Pennsylvania steel town and the murder of 17-year-old Brooke Bluebell. Through the investigation, the town’s seamier side is exposed, revealing that nothing is what it seems.
I’m in the middle of reading the novel, so I’ll avoid editorializing or spoilers and just say that it has my favourite cover art of 2012.