A Facebook friend (hi, Amurana!) shared an extremely cute link with me this morning: Squishable.com’s squishable werewolf! Squishable makes spherical plush critters which are designed to be snuggled upon with a will, and I don’t mind telling you that if I had this Werewolf, I would go Hug Bot on it. It was designed by RMCAD illustration student Tera S. as part of Project Open Squish, which seems to be a contest organized along the lines of how Patch Together runs. Squishable’s site is frustratingly vague about the contest’s timeline, or what it means for an entry to be marked “In Process”, but a post on the Squishable Facebook page says “The Werewolf from last month’s round made it into prototype thanks to your votes!”, so chances are good the design will be available for purchase soon. You can enter your email address on the Werewolf detail page to receive an email when it’s ready.