Dead Irons is a five-issue comic miniseries being released in February by Dynamite Entertainment. It tells the bloody story of the Irons siblings: Silas, Jesse, Annie and Colt, four Old West bounty hunters who use their supernatural curses in pursuit of victims– er, criminals.
Colt is the werewolf of the bunch, and the series’ artist, Jason Shawn Alexander, tells Comic Book Resources that he’s always had an affinity for lycanthropes: “My favorite monster has always been a werewolf… ‘The Howling,’ ‘American Werewolf in London,’ etc. I love them. Since I was a kid, the transformation scenes always just excited me. I can see giving Colt a little more center stage whenever he’s written into the story.”
It’s probably safe to assume that’s Colt in the image to the right (click for a larger version). If you want to see more of Jason’s art –and I expect that you will– you can visit his blog Blood and Whisky or his official site for more of his visceral drawings and paintings. Check back here for more information on Dead Irons as it becomes available!