Happy Halloween! You might remember Adrián García Bogliano’s werewolf film Late Phases from earlier this year, when it premiered at SXSW to pretty good reviews. You might also remember the irritation you felt (as I did) at not being in Austin, TX in March to actually attend SXSW and see the film. Well calm yourself, then get excited again, because Late Phases is getting a theatrical release in “select” locations in North America on November 21st. I haven’t found a list of those locations yet, but I’ll share it if and when I do.
In the meantime, check out this great new trailer (sent to me by reader Darius), which, like the film’s protagonist, doesn’t fuck around at all. Lots of great shots of the werewolf (or werewolves?), and I have to say that silver shotgun shells sound badass.