Vote & help out “Wolf Cop”: dark humour, gore, and a werewolf with a badge, a gun and a beer

Wolf Cop - In Development

It’s easy to get me excited about werewolf stuff, but it takes something truly special to make me go all Homer trampoline. Right now, that something is Wolf Cop, an in-development feature film from Canadian filmmaker Lowell Dean and Echolands Creative Group. I love everything about this project: the visual style, the gore, the dark humour, the almost-80’s synth in the score, the branding, the werewolf makeup, the fact that it’s a product of Saskatchewan… everything. Watch this trailer and tell me you’re not rendered inarticulate with enthusiasm.

Wolf Cop is currently part of the CineCoup Film Accelerator, a “disruptive model for indie filmmakers to develop, market and finance their feature films”. If you’d like to see this film get $1 million in funding and guaranteed distribution to theatres, here’s what to do:

  1. Sign up at CineCoup, using either your Facebook account or an email address, rate the Wolf Cop trailer and “heart” the pitch videos and photos. The biggest driving factors to get to the top 10 (and have a chance at the funding) are trailer ratings and mission views on the CineCoup page.
  2. Spread the word to friends, fellow werewolf fans, and compliant strangers. There’s a Wolf Cop Facebook page, Twitter account (@WOLFCOPTheMovie) and stand-alone web site with more information.

Here’s the official poster (via and a closer look at the Wolf Cop werewolf makeup.

Wolf Cop Poster

Wolf Cop makeup

Tramampoline! Trabopoline! Go vote!