As we look forward to Valentine’s Day this weekend (or Horny Werewolf Day for those of us who prefer to celebrate Lupercalia), I am reminded that Joe Johnston’s The Wolfman was released on this day (in France, Belgium, Sweden, and the French-speaking region of Switzerland) in 2010. Consequently, I find myself again questioning the wisdom […]
Search Results: “Full Moon Features”
Full Moon Features: House on Bare Mountain (1962)

When Something Weird Video released House on Bare Mountain on DVD in 2001 as part of a “Monster Nudie Double Feature” with 1964’s Kiss Me Quick! (which features Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, and the Mummy), it came with the following warning: “This program contains nudity and really bad jokes.” (Also included: an archival short subject entitled […]
Full Moon Features: Werewolves (2024)

There’s a moment partway through Werewolves where protagonist Dr. Wesley Marshall (Frank Grillo), a former Marine and current molecular biologist working on a cure for the condition that turns every human on the planet into a werewolf if they’re exposed to moonlight during a supermoon, is racing to his sister-in-law’s and crashes his car into […]
Full Moon Features: Nazareno Cruz and the Wolf (1975)

The people at Severin Films continue to do the Lord’s work — or perhaps it’s the Devil’s — with their folk horror series All the Haunts Be Ours, now on its second volume. The first yielded Wilczyca, about a Polish she-wolf bedeviling her husband. The new one, just out this month, brings with it 1975’s […]
Full Moon Features: The Forest Hills (2023)

It’s a rare thing to get to catch a werewolf film in its natural habitat (i.e. a movie theater), so I jumped at the chance to see this at its one local screening earlier this month. The poster trumpeted the participation of Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong, and Dee Wallace, but The Forest Hills proved unworthy […]
Full Moon Features: Blackout (2023)

Charley Barrett is a wolf man on a mission. What that mission entails — and how he came to be cursed with lycanthropy in the first place — is a bit murky at the start of Larry Fessenden’s Blackout, but all eventually becomes clear. Emphasis on eventually. The latest feature from the indie auteur behind […]
Full Moon Features: The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals (1969)

Watch enough werewolf movies and one is bound to come across more than a few dogs — and I’m not referring to the ones some filmmakers try to pass off as their werewolves. This is the first time I’ve encountered a jackal, though, which archaeologist David Barrie (Anthony Eisley) is cursed to transform into when […]
Full Moon Features: Hard Rock Zombies (1985)

Along with Hard Rock Nightmare, which I previously covered in this column, the similarly titled Hard Rock Zombies is leaving Shudder in a few days. This is no reason to seek out either, but of the two, Nightmare comes out way ahead since it actually looks like it was made by people who halfway knew […]
Full Moon Features: Santo en el museo de cera (1963)

Previously in this column, I’ve covered El Santo’s adventures Santo y Blue Demon vs DrĂ¡cula y el Hombre Lobo and Santo vs. las Lobas, both of which hailed from the 1970s. This month, I’m going back one decade to the first time the silver-masked wrestler grappled with a wolf man (or men, as is the […]
Full Moon Features: The Dungeonmaster (1984) & Waxwork (1988)

[Note: Inspired by Dobes’s comprehensive list of Werewolves of the 80s and its attendant screencaps repository, I’m covering movies I previously passed over because they only tangentially feature werewolves. Hence, this month’s double feature.] When I previously covered werewolves in anthology films, I lamented that for budgetary reasons, they “tend to skimp on the makeup […]