Blood, beheadings, beasts & bar brawls: “Werewolves Versus Romance” is out now!

Just in time for Valentine’s Day / Horny Werewolf Day (née Lupercalia) / “Eat a lot of chocolate and watch Netflix” day, here comes WEREWOLVES VERSUS ROMANCE! This is the second issue of the “werewolves + everything” magazine I make in collaboration with rad contributors, and I’m very excited and proud to share it with you.

In the first issue, we spent 84 pages visiting the 1990s. This new issue is over twice the size – 176 sweet pages of gory / violent / funny / sad / disturbing werewolf short stories, illustrations and comics, all on the theme of “what happens when you love and trust a fur-covered killing machine?”

Nineteen contributors worked incredibly hard for countless hours to make this issue a reality, and now you can download it for free or for whatever price you name. If you do pay, whether it’s $1 or $10,000, all proceeds go to the contributors and to producing future issues.

Thanks for your patience over the last few months as I worked to put this together – my posting schedule here on Werewolf News definitely suffered, but I think you’ll agree it was worth it. Check out Werewolves Versus Romance, and if you like it, let me, my collaborators, (and your friends) know!

WV02 Cover